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Backend for React Native Apps

React Native is an elegant way to describe and update a UI, and with the help of V-DOM, the UI updates instantly when property changes, making model & View synchronize & automatic. With React Native, you will be able to create Native applications with JavaScript as well as work on cross-platform too.

Popular sites built with ReactJS

ReactJS is highly used open-source JS Library that helps in creating an effective web application with minimal effort and code. Its key advantage is rather than working on the entire application. Developers can shatter UI into a single component. It focuses on the individual component.

What does Apple think of React Native?

React Native is an elegant way to describe and update a UI, and with the help of V-DOM, the UI updates instantly when property changes, making model & View synchronize & automatic. If you want to build mobile applications and want to learn cross-platform applications development, then React Native is an excellent concept to learn about something new. Today, Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, Tesla, Skype, and Walmart all use React Native to build and maintain their mobile apps.

Top Features of Node.js

Node.jS is very simple to learn Node.js Development in case you're comfortable with JavaScript. That is the reason it has turned into the most preferred JS framework for all web developers that provide various web and security benefits. Node.js provide you the service of modern tooling with the embrace of the more forward-looking way of developing complex apps compare to other programming techs.

ReactJS for Building UI

As you already aware that react has been developed by Facebook. It is an open source JS library which will provide you an excellent user interface. As a JS library, it will provide you some of the best UI frameworks which give fantastic user experience to the end user.

CRM Solutions For Enterprise, SME's and Small Business

CRM, an acronym of Customer Relationship Management, is a software solution which enables you to sell smarter, faster and better. It's a platform that connects your one team to another in the organization and helps them complete and organized clients' data in a cohesive system which your team can easily access and provide better service to the potential customers.

ReactJS instead of AngularJS

Angular is an open-source front-end JavaScript framework which is used for building Single Page Applications in website and smartphones. ReactJS is an open source, UI JS library created by Facebook for affluent and attractive web apps that provides faster and systematic applications with least programming.

Why use React.js?

ReactJS is an open source JS library for building UI and used for SPA, and it manages the views of web apps. Reactjs can help you to modify your data without reloading of a page. It is a popular library in the market trend because of its scalability & fast performance.

How React Native Works?

If you want to build mobile applications and want to learn cross-platform applications development, then React Native is definitely a worthy concept to learn about something new. It is unique because its dynamic code updates, it can push updates to devices without requiring an application release. With React Native you will be able to create Native applications with JavaScript.

Difference between Node.js and React.js and Angular.js

AngularJS turned the whole definition of web development through its existence, what was lacking in previous methods of development was inappropriate structure. It merges use of JavaScript with MVC and HTML with DOM. ReactJS is a JavaScript library and has a view, but lacks model & controller components. React introduced the concept of virtual DOM which is regarded as one of the greatest advantages of React in comparison of AngularJS. Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform used for developing real-time network applications like a chat software.