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Hinduism pilgrimage places

Pilgrimage in Hinduism, as in other religions, is the practice of journeying to sites where religious powers, knowledge, or experience are deemed especially accessible. Hindu pilgrimage is rooted in ancient scriptures. According to textual scholars, the earliest reference to Hindu pilgrimage is in the Rigveda (c. 1500 BCE), in which the “wanderer” is praised. Numerous later texts, including the epic Mahabharata (c. 300 BCE–300 CE) and several of the mythological Puranas (c. 300–750 CE), elaborate on the capacities of particular sacred sites to grant boons, such as health, wealth, progeny, and deliverance after death.

Birla Planetarium

The Birla Planetarium is visited by numerous visitors to virtually tour the night sky and watch the cosmic shows in the spherical dome inside.

Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary

Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary is located at Jannaram mandal of Mancherial District,Telangana, India. Mammal species that have been sighted include tiger, leopard, gaur, cheeta, nilgai.