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Java vs Python Which one would You Prefer for in 2021

Programming languages are formal languages consisting of instruction sets, which builds various outputs. A programming language is used in computer programming for implementing an algorithm. Some machines could be programmed, which use a set of certain instructions, instead of the general programming languages.  Programming languages are a set of instructions, commands, and codes for software program design. The languages used by custom software developers are integral to the development of a software solution, and thus they couldn’t be ignored. Hundreds of thousands of various programming languages have been created, and more are being made year after year.  The choice between the various kinds of languages, often is a difficult endeavor for developers, much more choosing the among industry leaders, such as Python and Java in particular. Both have been at war for the top spot among the different programming languages. Python constantly has been improving, while Java on the other hand is used in significant organizations. Both are doing their jobs well.  There are nonetheless certain microscopic features that distinguish one from the other.  Java Language Java, the same as a lot of technologies that influence our daily lives to this day originated in California, under Sun Microsystems, a company …

Comparison of Python with Other Programming Languages

When you build software, it’s the same as building a house. In both instances, what you most need is a robust foundation. A weak foundation will make you suffer expensive repairs later on, struggle with expansion, and probably you’ll be left with no choice but to rebuild the whole thing from scratch. A total waste of time and money, all in all. 

Agile vs Lean vs Design Thinking

Agile vs Lean vs Design thinking the method you choose may be based more on your experience and skills than anything else.The choice between Agile, Lean, and Design Thinking can be confusing. There are many articles that dive deep into the weeds of each, describing them in painstaking detail, but not giving much practical advice about which one to choose and when. This is not one of those articles. Instead, I want to look at the bigger picture to help you make a call on this common dilemma. To that end, I will not describe any of the three processes in great depth, but rather direct you to any of the many existing articles freely available.

What's the gap between PHP Developer & PHP Web Developer

Web developers are professionals who design and program software for building various internet websites. Developers are special kinds of engineers whose responsibilities include making different apps, websites, and programs. Some may get confused or think that a PHP developer and a PHP web developer have the same tasks and responsibilities.