Why Should you Choose Invisalign over Metal Braces?

A pearly white smile having straight teeth is a hallmark of any face, but not everyone is blessed with the straight teeth. So many people have misaligned, crowded or crooked teeth and suffer from issues such as an underbite and an overbite. Traditional metal braces have been used to straight the misaligned teeth, but those braces have many disadvantages. Dentists recommends using the Invisalign braces nowadays as they are way safer and give better and faster results.

Invisalign are the transparent clear aligners that are fitted on the teeth. Over time, by modifying their position they straighten up the teeth gradually. They have many benefits over the traditional metal braces with wires, few of them are listed below:

Traditional metal braces require thorough cleaning very frequently. Tiny food and sticky particles get easily stuck in the elastics and wires. Cleaning the metal braces can be very painful. Invisalign clear aligners are very low-maintenance. Just take the aligner trays out of the mouth and them clean them with warm water and a toothbrush. 

When you begin Invisalign treatment program, you will receive multiple clear aligner trays. Some of them are for the current phase and some for phases to come. So, you don’t have to visit the dentist for every adjacent phase.

Traditional metal braces require some fixes frequently such as tightening the wires or rubber bands and you need to see the dentist more often. Traditional metal braces come with many food restrictions. Hard and sticky and food items can easily damage the metal braces and dentists always recommend avoiding them.

With the Invisalign clear aligners, you have the complete freedom to eat your favourite food and there will be no restrictions. Just remove your aligners before you eat your meal and then simply put them back on after cleaning and brushing your teeth.

Metal braces also interfere while eating, brushing, and flossing, making them difficult to perform.

To know more about Invisalign please visit https://smilingdental.ca/invisalign-in-hamilton/


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