Why Most Patients Choose Invisalign Over Traditional Metal Braces.

Getting those traditional braces with wires can be scary. They are made of metal and causes pain and not so comfortable to wear and gives that not-so-great shiny smile. But that is not the reason to avoid fixing your smile that you always desire.

Invisalign is just the thing for you, the clear aligners which you can go for rather than choosing the metal braces.

Metal braces with wires are designed to move your teeth into the proper position but not in a very comfortable way. However, Invisalign is way different. The material is highly elastic so it can move the teeth constantly. Invisalign’s material has a better control on your teeth’s movement, unlike the materials used in metal braces.

You already aware that oral hygiene can be very difficult, if your teeth are crooked or misplaced and oral hygiene becomes very complicated  if you add braces to it which complete with several metal wires and brackets. Poor oral hygiene can cause discoloring, cavities, and staining that can only be  discovered only after the removal of the braces.

Invisalign, on the other hand, is removable which makes brushing and flossing easy. You won’t be needing and kind of special tools for the food removal which becomes trapped between those metal brackets. With the Invisalign, no need to use the awkward angles while brushing your teeth.

One of the biggest disadvantages of traditional metal braces is that you have to give up apples, corncobs and anything sticky during your orthodontic treatment but with the Invisalign, just remove your aligners and enjoy your favourite food.

If you want to munch on popcorn during your next movie date night, that’s not going to be a problem. Just remove your aligners and put them in your protective case. Also, be sure to brush your teeth before putting the aligners back in.

This is why most patients choose Invisalign over traditional metal braces.

To know more information about Invisalign please visit https://smilingdental.ca/invisalign-in-hamilton/

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