Damp Proofing Will Benefit Your Property

Avoid unpleasant smells: As mentioned above, untreated mould as a result of damp can create a dank and musty smell around your home. You may experience an unpleasant smell but not know where it is coming from; this may be because the damp patch or mould spores are hidden behind a piece of furniture. The smell of damp and mould can become strong and overwhelming in your home; you do not want it to stop you from having guests around or for it to interfere with your everyday life. Luckily, with the correct damp treatment carried out by a specialist you should be able to get rid of the smell fairly easily. Just remember that when it comes to damp, out of sight should not mean out of mind.

Avoid decreasing the value of your property: Unless treated properly and professionally, damp patches will be a continuous issue in your home and the problem will keep coming back, especially if you are painting over these patches. If you are looking to sell up your home soon, or may potentially want to in the future, then recurring damp spots could cause you a few problems. It may put future buyers off your property, as not many people will want to invest in a new home that already has problems and issues – particularly problems that can cause health issues and smells. It will also look generally unattractive on your walls, putting people off. Damp proofing your home will ensure that your property is in top condition and the most appealing that it can be to buyers.

Prevent structural problems in your building: A more serious issue that can be caused by damp is structural damage to your property. Bad damp conditions can cause fundamental damage to the timbers in your property’s structure – something that you definitely want to avoid. Wet rot occurs when a fungus makes timber damp or wet. This wet rot fungi makes the wood feel spongy and mushy as it breaks the wood down into fibres, causing it to collapse and crumble away. Wet rot can also rot and fester in carpets, wallpapers and plaster. Dry rot is an even more serious condition than wet rot; it can attack any area of your property and even grow through walls into neighbouring properties. Dry rot is a fungus that causes wood decay, attacking and digesting parts of wood that gives timber its strength and stiffness.

Advanced Damp ltd 58 western road, Tring, Hertfordshire, HP23 4BB 0208 629 1517 Info@advanceddamp.co.uk

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