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What is EPR registration and what are its benefits? -

The extended producer responsibility or the EPR encourages manufacturers and importers of products to be accountable for the plastic waste generated by their products. The main motto behind this is to make the manufacturers responsible for managing their products’ environmental impact even after they have been sold and consumed by users. The Plastic Waste Management rules in 2016 under the Environment Protection Act 1986 outlines manufacturers, importers and brand owners to fulfill their EPR obligations. It includes setting up collection system, establishing recycling facilities and promoting awareness about plastic waste management.

Grease trap for commercial kitchen - Green Genra

A grease trap is a plumbing device designed to intercept and trap FOG, preventing it from flowing into the municipal sewage system. It's commonly used in commercial kitchens where large amounts of fats, oils, and grease are produced during cooking processes. Grease traps are typically installed underground or in basements and are connected to the kitchen's wastewater drainage system.

What is Hazardous Waste Authorization

Hazardous waste is a waste material that causes substantial threat to the public safety, health and environment. These wastes include toxic wastes, infectious wastes, radioactive wastes, explosive wastes, asbestos containing wastes and more.

What are hazardous wastes

Hazardous wastes refer to wastes by reason of its physical, reactive, chemical, flammable, toxic, corrosive, or explosive characteristics causes danger or are likely to cause harm to the environment or health, whether in contact with other wastes or substances or alone.

What is plastic waste registration

Plastic waste registration is that no person is allowed to manufacture plastic bags or recycle them without getting them registered under the rules of authorities in Delhi, NCR region. The rules make it mandatory for producers to contribute towards and acquire plastic waste management via registration.

How Anti-Smoke Guns Combat Air Pollution

Anti-smoke guns are high-powered devices designed to reduce air pollution by spraying a fine mist of water droplets into the air. The primary mechanism of action involves these droplets attaching to air pollutants, including particulate matter (PM), dust, and other airborne contaminants, causing them to settle to the ground instead of remaining suspended in the air. This technology is especially beneficial in areas plagued by industrial pollution, construction sites, and urban centers where dust and emissions are prevalent.

How a Grease Separator Can Save You Time, Money, and Headaches

In today's fast-paced society, time means money. When it comes to running a kitchen or a food service facility, every minute matters. A grease separator can help save the day and your pocketbook. Imagine a future without blocked plumbing, expensive repairs, and regular upkeep. A grease separator is a versatile and practical method for removing grease, oil, and particles from wastewater before it reaches the drainage system. This not only eliminates obstructions and backups, but also extends the