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The key performance indicators guide to make further business plans to grow

KPIs give you detailed data on your customers as well as your business to help you make informed and strategic business decisions. However, KPIs alone cannot help you achieve success. It is the decision you make based on the KPIs that can potentially change the face of your business. The key performance indicators can help you in driving more sales as well as help you understand where the problems lie in your business strategies (if any).

The inclination of customers towards e-commerce makes it unavoidable for business owners

From groceries to everyday essentials to clothes, and electronics, everything is bought online today. Earlier the highest sales rate was experienced only during the holiday season. However, this pandemic has fortunately become a boon to the ecommerce industry and the sales rate has long passed the one that used to be attained during the holidays. All these facts are self-sufficient to answer your question of whether small businesses need ecommerce.

One of the most improtant factor for the growth of ecommerce is the ease of doing business

When deciding to sell online, there are a million thoughts that cross your path. One of the main thoughts being, to choose from selling online on an already existing marketplace and selling online with an ecommerce website. Both the methods are effective in their ways and there is no right and best method to sell online. However, we always suggest creating an online website to sell online.

Number of smartphone users and time spent on it are increasing

To ensure providing a seamless customer experience while beating your competitors, your online store needs to be accessible to your potential customers, irrespective of the devices they use. You can also consider providing a mobile application along with your responsive website to double your sales and hence, the revenue. By choosing one of the following platforms for mobile commerce, you’ll be able to boost your sales, simply for being available to your visitors and customers, when they need you.

Answer to Where should I buy a laptop online or from a store and why

When shopping online from the ecommerce marketplaces like Amazon, the sellers pay for commission fees of the platform as well. Thus, it can be a pricey deal, and you can't negotiate there unless they are offering discounted deals in a festive sale. Another way round, if you are shopping offline, you can negotiate depending upon the customization you need in your device.

Risk factors are involved in any business

Being an ecommerce platform, we know the challenges that business owners face while selling online, and Builderfly strives to create a risk-free experience for your shoppers. If you are planning to start selling online really soon, take a pause, go through the risks we mention here, and be well-prepared for any storms that may arise in your future venture!

Your ecommerce website should not be just another website over the Internet

With more challenges in online retail than any other time in recent memory, it’s basic to realize how to stand apart from the group. Truly, this will enable you to amplify sales; however more significantly, it enables you to make a brand-related with quality products and engaging client experience. Thus, in case you need to realize how to develop your eCommerce store, you should simply stand apart with your offer. Furthermore, here’s how to do it.

Yes you read it correctly

Ecommerce may be flourishing across India; however, losses are the parts and parcels of life for ecommerce sellers in India. The uncompromising coronavirus outbreak in India had led to multiple lockdowns. The growth rates of ecommerce businesses during these times were dropped to a single digit. The declining growth rate and sizable monetary loss affected not only the large-scale businesses but most importantly to the small-scale sellers and enterprises in the ecommerce market.

The growth rate in online business makes it unavoidable

The ecommerce industry is booming for a few decades. Online shopping, which was once a luxurious virtue, has now become a necessity. Especially after the corona wave, the demand for online shopping has shot to the skies. Although businesses have been using or witching to ecommerce for quite a long time, even today, many entrepreneurs drastically fail in successfully converting their businesses into ecommerce.

A referral program has the potential to make a business successful

Referral marketing programs are known to be one of the most effective ways to develop your ecommerce business. With the right use of your existing customers and loved ones, you can multiply your sales as well as customer base into infinite folds. Your monetary investments in implementing a referral program will be fruitful if you follow all the points mentioned above. Moreover, you may even earn more than what you spent if your referral programs touch the skies.

It is very important to know what metrics should ecommerce retailers monitor in real-time

Be that as it may, metrics aren’t just for the long term and colossal scale planning. Parameters are additionally a useful asset for everyday activities. For this utilization case, you don’t require, and in certainty, you don’t need information that is aggregated over a significant time. Rather you need real-time data. If there are circumstances that require moment activity, at that point, there ought to be an ongoing estimation to recognize the event.

Live Chat offers customers a good experience

There is no debate in saying that live chat can actually improve customer satisfaction, as well as customer retention, is given if it is executed rightly. We have prepared a set of guidelines on how a service agent can professionally handle the significant key points to dazzlingly to increase more conversions and guarantee optimum customer support.