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Performance Management System

Performance Management System uncover employee potential, unleash business growth.

Align individual goals to company goals.

Set clear performance parameters.

Track progress through a clear performance appraisal process.

Provide upskilling opportunities.

Reward achievements.

Ensure happier employees and business success.

Attendance Management System Software

Attendance Management System Software is Workforce management, no work at all.

Improve productivity and workforce discipline Implement flexible, real-time attendance capture. Ensure transparency and consistency in attendance policies Achieve 100% statutory compliance. Simplify shift management and rostering. Enable real time attendance processing.

Updating Employee Profile Information

Employee information management is a crucial part of any business. A simple HR system is a must for all organizations. By using greytHR you can track all employee life-cycle activities, simplify HR work and get deep insights with minimal efforts.

Business Impact Of Inefficient Leave Management

Know about the business situations and how a leave management solution can help you handle them effectively. The management of leaves using an online leave management system adds tremendous business value beyond being compliant with legal mandates, including having an accurate, systematic, and auditable trail of leave records of your employees.

Happy HR

Impress your boss. Get your HR processes wrapped up fast. Payroll, leave calculations, claims, attendance tracking and more.Find out how. Call the experts at...

HR Software and HR Functions - greytHR

HR Software includes Make quick work of HaRd work, Get on top of HR Ops, Communication, the key to a happy workforce, Enable and empower employees Say yes to ESS, Sit back and relax It’s data in the driver’s seat, Easy integrations, unlimited convenience

A Guide to Attendance Management

Attendance management is a set of activities and employee processes essential for time accounting, discipline, productivity, and statutory compliance. Managing the attendance of employees is one of the significant responsibilities in HR operations.