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What is a Vision Board? | The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Own Personal Vision Board!

What are you doing to make this life exciting? What distinguishes your future self from you now? Visioning can boost your drive and confidence while also preparing you for success in a variety of areas.Creating vision boards, which are representations of our aims and desires, is one way to make visioning more tangible. These boards are essentially a mosaic of images, words, and phrases that reflect your future vision. The goal of this dream board is to make you feel ecstatic while also motivating you to stay focused and take action.In this blog we will read about the science and creation of a vision board.

#goalsetting #optimism #positivity #visionboard #subconsciousmind

The True Essence of Awareness

Julian Jaynes, a philosopher, says: "We become conscious of consciousness when we are questioned, "What is consciousness?" Funny isn't it. Come let's explore awareness and tap into the true essence of life.

#awareness #awarnesssphere #icf #consciouness #trueessenceoflife #trueessenceofcoaching

How Coaching Is A Way To Build Trust And Do Authentic Selling?

Is sales and coaching-related in any way? Think about it. Sales is not about selling, but about building trust and educating. On the other hand, what is coaching? Coaching is much about being available to your clients. The essence of coaching is in raise consciousness in order to maximise performance and unleash the true potential. But are they related?? Hmmmm.. Confusing! Let’s find out.

Role of Emotional Agility in Leadership Development

In this ICW 2022, we connect you, with Dan Newby, who has acted as a catalyst, to bring emotional agility to your coaching game. Join us in this session to learn:The power of pairing emotions with intellect as a leaderPractical techniques for identifying and shifting emotionsWays to integrate emotions as a tool in your current way of coachingThis session will strengthen your coaching presence, help you evoke awareness in your clients, and facilitate their growth as leaders.

Finding The True Essence of Life

If you believe that the goal of human life is to maximize happiness, then you are a budding Aristotelian.Aristotle began the discussions on the essence in his time. In this article we have traced the philosophical roots of Essence, then proceeded to understand why a life of service is considered more meaningful. The Coaching Conclave 2022 is inviting you to tap into the true essence of life. Join today.

The Ultimate Guide To Personal Development: How It Will Help You Live A Life of Freedom!

It's no surprise that in our quiet moments with ourselves, we all ponder what else there is to life. Is this the end? Is this the end of it? What happened to our inherent power? Why aren't our lives considerably more meaningful as the most advanced species on the planet? You were born to be something far greater than you could have dreamed, and the wisest among you will figure out what that is. There is one continuous message, one crucial piece of information that can be found in all the writings of the greatest brains who have ever lived. It's to 'Know Thyself' or ‘Know Yourself’.This blog is a guide to personal development, to help you live a life of freedom.

Identifying Superpowers in Others

"What if you have someone in your life who can remember things that are important to you? What if you come across someone who gets joy seeing you smile, who gets joy seeing you do the magic?This time on the xMonks Drive, Rajesh Setty popularly known as the Silicon Valley Spark plug, joins us to explain the importance of looking at possibilities in different life situations. "

The Effects of Childhood Trauma on Your Body and Mind

The true meaning of life lies in our memories. The memories and the experiences we have as a child and as a teenager forms the basis of our behaviour and our actions. It might seem strange but the fear of darkness you avoid or the aroma of the soft earth you love is all because of the childhood experiences you had. So, our childhood is the mould of our future. But the question is, why does this happen? In this blog, we shall discover it all, the science of our memories that develops into childhood trauma, how it impacts people and how can we heal from our childhood trauma.

The Complete Guide To Interpersonal Communication Skills

Humans are a social species that is hardwired to connect. Aside from food, water, and safety, the most crucial requirements we must meet, according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, are love and belonging. Our yearning for interpersonal interactions, closeness, connection with others, and integration into a group are all part of this. Our general well-being increases and we live a more fulfilling life when these requirements are met. Not only this but even in the workplace, interpersonal communication forms one of the major elements of our connections. Discover in this blog, every thing about Interpersonal Communication Skills.

Leading With Heart With Yene Assegid

Dr. Yene Assegid, PhD, ICF/MCC, author of the book Leading With Heart, talks in-depth about whom I am becoming in this journey and how we can walk on this path of becoming better human beings once we practice leading with heart. Read here to get insights from the Coaching Matters session.

Secret Ingredient Of A Purposeful Life: Work-Life Balance

“You can have it all. You just can’t have it all at once.”– Oprah WinfreyHow hard can attaining work-life balance be when we have 168 hours in a week? In reality it is quite tricky to maintain a balance between a professional and personal life. Read this blog to know 10 strategies for effective work-life balance.

What is life purpose?

How often do you wonder about life and the much greater aspect of the wonderful life we have? Many leaders, authors, coaches, and countless philosophers have tried to answer this question, “What is life's purpose or the purpose of life?” Read this blog to understand the true purpose of life.

Creative Expression: How To Unleash Your Creativity

Do you believe you are a creatively challenged person? Did you grow up with the belief that you do not have a creative side?Over the 9-5 life, you felt creative expression inside you dying?What happens to you when you are given a job and employers say to concentrate as much as possible and try to be as creative as possible?

Living a Life of Purpose with Gratitude

How grateful are you today? Give this thought a moment and count the number of time you were thankful? To your surprise you would notice that the number is huge. Isn’t it! Every aspect of life, be it the clothes we wear, the food that we are enjoying and experiencing are a result of a number of energies. If any of these energies decide to not work or not to do what they had to do, we wouldnt have those things, even with all the money we have. Just open your eyes and see how many things have you nurtured and supported and then will you notice the true power of gratitude.

Developing Leaders for an Unknown Future

The world has changed, society has changed, even the definition of leadership has changed. From what we were once, the fast-paced world, we have settled around and changed our ways and methods. The pandemic has created intense pressure on leaders worldwide to redefine what is demanded of them. Read this blog to know how to develop leaders for an unknown future.