website designing and development services
Aneroid Technologies offer most unique and reasonably priced website designing and development services to Mobile & user friendly, working for clients globally.
High-Risk Payment Processing for Gift, Cards & Novelty Stores
This industry соmрriѕеѕ establishment рrimаrilу еngаgеd in rеtаiling new giftѕ, novelty mеrсhаndiѕе, souvenirs, greeting cards, ѕеаѕоnаl аnd hоlidау decorations, and сuriоѕ.These еѕtаbliѕhmеntѕ mау аlѕо rеtаil ѕtаtiоnеrу for which POS MCC5947 is needed.
Safe & Secure Online Payment Processing for Magazine Subscription
A key difference between online payment providers is their approach towards eCommerce. Both traditional and online credit card processing services are aimed to make transactions easy for customers and merchants, but what differentiate payment providers are their features for selling and ease of payment options.
100% Approved A High Risk Business Merchant Account
Merchant Stronghold, We have been helping merchants with Merchant Account Services for over 4 years. We have online merchant applications with instant approvals. Call a representative today to learn about the dozens of providers that we represent and see what credit card processing company is the best fit for your business. We can compare merchant account rates with you, answer questions about customer service, Interchange rates and more.
What is friendly fraud? | Win Chargeback Scams
Friendly fraud “ocurs when a consumer makes an online shopping purchase with their own credit card, and then requests a chargeback from the issuing bank after receiving the purchased goods or services.“
MasterCard Authorization Update – Merchant Stronghold
As a Mastercard processor or merchant, you are vital to our success. And that success is better assured if you have access to and understand the Mastercard rules and how they may apply to your business. You also should be aware that Mastercard rules and other standards change from time to time.
High Risk Businesses and Credit Card Processing
3 months recent prior processing statements for all products intended on being processed through the merchant account (If applicable)3 months recent business bank statements. (If new business, high risk merchant accounts should be able to showing financial stability to support the startup/operation of the business or personal bank statements.